Wildlife Day 2019 at Grand Canyon National Park
STEM Celebration - Flagstaff STEM City 2018
(yours) Community
Outreach & Events
Do you have a festival, outreach or corporate event?
Do you want to make it more interesting?
Invite a raptor!
Nothing inspires more than seeing a live raptor up close.
In fact, it was an event such as these that inspired me to devote my life to raptors.
Flagstaff Festival of Science - 2017 Arizona Daily
Community Events and Outreach
Community Outreach
Entertainment with a Purpose
Your Event!
These programs are really designed for your specific needs and ultimate goals for the event you are creating. We can build on a general foundation of setting up a table/booth type to something completely unique for your event. We do require that the environment and activities be safe for the Flying Team but that can be discussed during our planning conversation.
One example could be: ‘Walk by’ style table with educational materials, live raptors and raptor experts available for questions. *This can be combined with our formal presentations and/or informal brief talks at various times during your event. We do offer some interactive learning if you have a smaller group and maybe in mixed ages; a little something to keep all age groups engaged.
Getting married?
How about having one of our birds deliver the rings? And then photos with the bird(s) and entertain your guests with some live raptors and learning about their wild counterparts? This would be doing your part for wildlife even on your wedding day! This is also highly personalized to your desired outcome.
If you are interested please contact us well in advance (months) because will take some time planning and training to pull off. Starting $600
Our Event and Outreach Donation Schedule
*Most types of educational programs can be customized to suit the needs of your organization’s event and will determine the donations based on your requests of time and complexities.
Want to invite the Flying Team to your event??
Please contact: michele@raptorfalconrycenter.org
We are a nonprofit and depend on donations, which are limited. These programs fund our mission in other areas of the organization. The donations from our educational programs go to care for our Flying Team such as their food ($300-400 a month) and their medical care as well as the expensive equipment required to fly them safely.
Please let us know if you are a small nonprofit organization.