Raptor & Falconry Experiences
PHOTO: Ted Grussing
Love raptors?
"Ever dreamt of getting up close and personal with these magnificent predatory birds, have one fly to your gloved hand, and delve into their secretive lives in the wild?
Perhaps you feel a deep spiritual connection with these majestic birds, or you simply crave the unique experience of bonding with them in an intimate setting?
We can help you with that!
Participating in one of our experiences gets you up close to the Flying Team and
experience their world through free flying through the fields of Northern Arizona.
This could be you!
We offer experiences for everyone, Raptor Experiences are for those that don’t want to experience the hunting part but still want to see the birds do their thing. You have a choice of hanging out with one to three birds; this is the general difference between the experiences.
Falconry Experiences are for those that want more action and intensity, this is as close to witnessing a hunting wild raptor as you can get. Watching a skilled predator take on an equally skilled prey and seeing who will win that day is raw nature.
Please scroll through this page
for exact instructions on how to book your experience and important information.
ALL our experiences are PRIVATE and we strive to make each experience something to remember for a lifetime.
The time limits posted for each experience is a general guideline so you can plan your day.
Our concern is that you fully enjoy your time with the Flying Team and learn as much as possible; and we are less concerned with cutting you off when the ‘time is up’.
All bookings require 72-hour notice. (Exception - Moulting Experiences)
If you are wanting an experience within the 72-hour window,
or it says there is no availability, contact us anyway.
You might be in luck!
AS OF JANUARY 3, 2025 -
The flying season has ended!
The Flying Team should be back on duty in September/October 2025
We will be working on our Spring/Summer offerings that will be available sometime in late March so check back. If you have any questions, reach out!
Have specific dates? Book early!
Gift Certificates can be purchased year round.
We are a nonprofit and depend on donations and grants, which are extremely limited.
The donations from our experiences go to care for our Flying Team such as their food ($500-600 a month), their medical care and the tremendous amount of time and expertise for their specialized training as well as the expensive equipment required to fly them safely. By helping to cover their expenses, this helps fund our mission in other areas of the organization in the community.
Please check with your tax codes for tax benefits. Our EIN: 82-0696138
Falconry Experience
(4 hours) - $400 per person
Available around September 2025
Step into the captivating ancient culture of falconry and immerse yourself in the thrilling adventure of a raptor hunting amidst the picturesque landscapes of Northern Arizona.
If you've ever been curious about the secretive world of hunting wild raptor, this extraordinary experience offers an unparalleled opportunity to witness it firsthand!Prepare to be enthralled as you witness the heart-pounding showdown between a masterful predator and its equally cunning prey—an encounter that remains concealed from the view of most. While rabbits may appear charming and innocent, their survival instincts are nothing short of remarkable, often leaving a capable predator confused by of their evasive prowess.
In this unforgettable adventure, you'll become a part of the action, partnering with Leroy, our very social male Harris Hawk, or Enedina, our powerful speed demon Saker Falcon, as they embark on a quest to track down elusive rabbits all in one of the most enchanting settings on Earth.
And after what we hope will be a successful hunt, hang out with the bird on your glove and take photos/videos; ask questions and relive the excitement of the day.
(This IS HUNTING)***Only available in the Sedona area.
PHOTO: Steve Comstock
Go All Out Raptor Experience
3 Birds (4 Hours) - $450 per person Available around September 2025
This is as about as much raptor love you can get in one experience!This is a hands-on learning experience using a free-flying hawk or falcon. This is for those who would like a lot of time with the birds, learn more aspects of falconry and experience the unique natural history of 3 very different birds.
We will fly/interact with three/two* birds to your gloved hand, watch them navigate the field, landing in trees and brush. During this time you can ask all the questions you can think of and learn about their natural history as well as hear stories about that bird’s unique personality. This is with 3 birds.
(This is NOT HUNTING)*** Can be done in either Sedona or Flagstaff area depending on the season’s weather.
*You will get to see 3 birds; however…
Our Turkey Vulture , Druantia, is a new addition and going through her training paces. However, due to the permit she is held on, the public is not allowed to hold her. She is still a great addition and FULL of PERSONALITY! I promise you will not be disappointed.
Quinn (at this time she has been taken off the “flying” team and does education only) if you choose her as one of your birds. She is another member of the team that participants are not allowed to hold due to the permit she is held on as well as because of the characteristics of this particular species. She is a BIG, POWERFUL bird and not easy to handle even for experienced falconers. But, she is a very rare raptor so, having her in your experience is worth it. Ferruginous Hawks are secretive and not common as it is but a dark-morph is very rare!
PHOTO: Ted Grussing
Double the Fun Raptor Experience
2 Birds (3 Hours) – $360 per person Available around September 2025
This is a hands-on learning experience using a free flying hawk or falcon. This is for those who would like a little more time with the birds.We will fly two birds to your gloved hand, watch them navigate the field, landing in trees and brush. During this time you can ask all the questions you can think of and learn about their natural history as well as hear stories about that bird’s unique personality. This is with 2 birds.
*** Can done in either Sedona or Flagstaff area depending on the season’s weather.
PHOTO: Steve Comstock
Basic Raptor Experience
1 Bird (2 Hour) -
(2-person minimum) $230 per person
Available around September 2025.
This experience allows you to experience a free flying hawk/falcon up close all while learning about the natural history of their wild counterparts.We will fly the bird to your gloved hand, watch them navigate the field, landing in trees and brush. During this time you can ask all the questions you can think of and learn about their natural history as well as hear stories about that bird’s unique personality.
*** Can done in either Sedona or Flagstaff area depending on the season’s weather.
PHOTO: Ted Grussing
Moulting Experiences!
Not Offered again until next Spring
$ is per PARTICIPANT; (7-years and up) - NO OBSERVERS6-years and younger are free with 1 paying participant, or 2 paying participants for Basic.
These are held in the Flagstaff area, The exact location and more details will be provided to you after you have gone through the booking process. This is for the birds’ security.
These Experiences allow you to hold 1-2 Flying Team members (depending on the experience you choose) on your gloved hand, take all the photos and videos your phone can hold, ask as many questions as you can think of and learn all about the personal stories and lives of the bird you are holding.
You will learn about the natural history and unique ecology of the raptors we share our world with and learn about falconry. You will get an overview of how the birds are trained and cared for as well as things you can do in your everyday life to make their world just a little better.
If you have small children (under 6y) they are generally too small to hold a bird on their own; however, we do whatever it takes to make a close up interaction possible, while keeping safety the first priority. We don’t discourage young children from participating because they are our future, so please bring the kiddos. They might be the next great raptor ecologist or falconer! Long experiences can get ‘boring’ for some young kids, and some teens so keep that in mind.
Booking a moulting experience is the same as any experience so follow the steps below.
All the guidelines and rules apply to these experiences as our experiences during regular flying season so be sure to read them carefully before booking a moulting experience.PHOTO ABOVE: One of my favorite participants, Joan, holding Aylen.
Gift Certificates
Give the gift that lasts forever!
Don’t buy them ‘things’ give them something to remember forever! An Experience of a lifetime.
*Gift Certificate sales are final and non-refundable.
Interested in our Experiences?
Follow these exact steps:
Please thoroughly read all the information on this page, especially the ‘Things to Know’ section at the bottom.
Then once you know which experience you are interested in, just email/call us to see if your preferred dates are available and ask any remaining questions. I usually responded within a few hours but if you are in a hurry for trip planning reasons, text me @ number below 👇🏻
The exact location and more details will be provided to you after you have gone through the booking process. This is for the birds’ security.
Once you have confirmed your date is available, you will come back to the website here, and reserve your spot via Pay Portals.
Once you have completed this process, I will receive an alert letting me know and I will send you a confirmation email (usually within 24hrs) that will include all the details such as the exact location and preferred dates if not already discussed.
And we will discuss any logistical issues and/or changes/choices via email or text.
Keep reading the ‘Things to Know’ section below. 👇🏻 It might answer a few questions.
**If you book without confirming your date is available; there will be a $50 wasted my time fee if a refund is required. Again sorry for the ‘rude’ tactics but I have too many people that are not following instructions, buying without confirming their date is available and requiring a refund after a lot of back and forth emailing and I eat the credit card fees. This has become quite time consuming and I do not have ‘staff’ to handle the administrative duties.
(928) 522-3472
Be sure to leave a message if I don’t answer. I receive a lot of SPAM calls so my phone may not ring.
…also I’m in the field a lot with my ringer off or outside taking care of the Flying Team.
OR TEXT ME! This is the fastest way to reach me for quick information on dates.
If you curious as to what this all ‘looks like’ visit our YouTube Channel and watch the videos of our Flying Team. If you aren’t sure you can ‘stomach’ the hunting part; watch the videos of Leroy or Coral catching rabbits. [viewer (and hearing) discretion advised and not suitable for children] Link to our YouTube Channel Here!
Things to Know!
A tip on deciding when to do your experience: November and December are usually the best months but really any month during the flying season (September to February) could work out great. The weather is usually pretty cooperative but high winds is the big issue for flying the birds, especially during the spring. This could warrant a reschedule. So, if you can wait until you have at least a good 10-day weather outlook to schedule your experience that is the best way to avoid this. Or have some wiggle room in your schedule if we have to move a day ahead or early to avoid weather issues. I don’t fly the birds if it is 10+mph; it can be dangerous for them and it really doesn’t make for an enjoyable experience for you either. And obviously rain or snow is just zero fun to fly birds. If the temperature is below freezing, I do the experiences later (~10AM) after it has warmed up. Harris Hawks are a warm weather species.
Where? I do the raptor experiences in Flagstaff but if it is too windy or cold (Flagstaff is colder/windier), then we will head down to the Sedona area. All Falconry Experiences are in the Sedona area at this time.
Time? To keep the birds in their feeding routine, I do the experiences before noon. If it is early in the season, late September to early November, it can still be quite hot in Sedona therefore; I do the experiences very early in the morning. If you are flying multiple birds, the experience will be in Flagstaff.
Physical Demands: The Raptor Experiences can accommodate any physical limitations. We can just ‘stand around’ outside and let the birds do all the work or we can walk a bit. If you have more limiting mobility such as a wheelchair, we can come up with something to accommodate...just contact us in advance in order to allow us to make different arrangements.
Falconry Experiences do require some degree of physical fitness. During a hunting session we can cover some serious ground (2-4 miles, I can cover up to 8 miles if it is just me flying several birds) at a quick pace. You don’t need to be an athlete but, this is just to illustrate that we don’t do a lot of standing around smelling the flowers while the bird is expected to be working at finding/catching prey (this is for their wellbeing and for you to get the most out of it). Hawking is a very strategic activity and a numbers game. The more ground we cover, the more likely we are to flush a rabbit as well as less time for the bird to get bored and make up their own games….and to not take away from your experience. (This is also why I do not take young children on these experiences.) Once this portion is finished, things slow way down, and the time you can enjoy the birds, scenery, and anything else. This is also the time Leroy loves to get all the attention from his peeps.
What Shall I Wear? Proper clothing and shoes are essential! Please read this in its entirety and apply all guidelines to every single participant. Not following could hinder your experience tremendously and some if not followed can be dangerous for the birds. (Thank you for your patience regarding the foot down tactics but with increasing regularity, too many participants will book experiences or show up having not read and/or taken these guidelines seriously.)
We will be outdoors and off trail, so dress as if you are going on a backcountry hike. Wear proper hiking shoes and weather appropriate clothing; like jeans or heavy cotton pants for outdoors. The vegetation in some fields can be brutal!! Fortunately I take on most of it handling the birds but it’s a problem for anyone walking around in the field. I bring hemostats for pulling thorns out and some duct tape for the fine haired ones that are way more annoying. So dress in your best AZ plants armor. And avoid anything that thorns or sticky plants can get caught on such as fleece or soft cotton. No leggings or fleece/cotton pants such as sweatpants or joggers as well as big flowy fleece/cotton yarn sweaters. Pants need to cover your socks (and ankles) or you will be pulling ‘stuff’ out of them the entire time. No Uggs type boots. Good solid hiking boots are best, anything that is thin canvas such as sneakers or Vans, thorns will go through and I will not take you out in the field if you are wearing them. I will provide a more detailed Do’s and Don’ts in your confirmation email. This is especially true for the Falconry Experience because we are truly in the thick of it. Raptor Experiences can be severely hindered based on clothes and shoes choices depending on the field conditions.
We love all dogs but the Flying Team only loves THEIR dogs 😒
Once you book your experience (this means you received a confirmation email), we reserve that day and time for you. We turn away anyone else wishing to book an experience during your time. These are custom, private experiences for you and therefore, shuts down the day for anyone or anything else. Also, the birds are on a strict flying schedule and weight management so we create their schedule based on your booked experience.
*If you wish to cancel for any reason, it must be done 3 days (72 hours) prior to the experience in order to receive a refund minus fees for processing. There are no exceptions.
We do not offer ‘observers’ Everyone sees the same experience and experiences the same experience whether one person is more interested or less interested.
You are not on the calendar for the date you want until you go through the checkout process and receive a confirmation email. Even if you have talked with us on the phone about dates available and you verbally tell us which date, and say you will call back/book later, you do not go on the calendar until you go through this process. This means if someone does want that date and you have not been confirmed, you could lose your preferred date.
Everyone must pay via the website, donate buttons or Venmo, prior to going onto the calendar. We do not allow paying the day of the experience or with cash or checks.
You experience and learn about these awesome birds and your donations support our mission! This is what makes IRFC different than others that are not nonprofits; we truly have a mission.
Without the funding provided by these experiences, we cannot carry out our work or expand the services to raptors that call Northern Arizona home and beyond.
*We are grateful for the donations we do receive; however, they only cover a small fraction of the Flying Team’s expenses. We need to cover the current expenses with surplus in order to expand our rehab, educational services and conservation efforts. Your participation in these experiences help us get closer.
By participating in our educational programs or experiences, you are making the world a better place for raptors.
If there is something unique that you need or if believe there is no availability,
Let’s see if there is something we can do.